Kesko: announces changes to the Group’s Management Board

Kesko / FI. (kkc) Kesko Group announces that Anu Hämäläinen (58), M.Sc. Econ., has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and a member of Group Management Board as of 01 June 2024. As published in February, the Group’s current CFO Jukka Erlund will be leaving the company to join Fazer Group.

Anu Hämäläinen joined Kesko in 2020 as VP, Group Finance and Treasury. Prior to that, she has worked, among other things, as VP, Group Treasury and Financial Services and Support in Wärtsilä. Hämäläinen is a member of the Board of Directors of Valmet Corporation and the Chair of that Board’s Audit Committee.

20240517-KESKO-GROUP-HAEMAELAEINEN(Photo: Kesko Group – Anu Hämäläinen – ©Valokuvaaja)

Lasse Luukkainen (46), Master of Laws, has been appointed as Executive Vice President, Legal and Sustainability, and a member of Group Management Board as of 01 June 2024. Luukkainen currently holds the position of Group General Counsel at Kesko. He has held various legal positions in the company since 2010, having worked at Castrén + Snellman Attorneys prior to that.

Riikka Joukio, Kesko’s Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Public Affairs, and a member of Group Management Board since April 2021, has announced that she will be leaving the company.

«I want to express my warmest thanks to Jukka Erlund and Riikka Joukio for their contributions to Kesko, and wish them success in their future endeavours,» says Jorma Rauhala, Kesko’s President and CEO.