EBRD: to appeal to invest in agricultural business

London / UK. (ami) The CIS countries, including Russia, should invest private investments for the further development of the agricultural sector for yield increase in more active way, but not to impose grain export bans, informed specialists of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

According to EBRD, grain export ban measures and export quotas imposition are not viable long-term decision of the market supplies problems, which appeared for example, after the extreme weather conditions of the summer. On the contrary, the measures, like quotas, became the barrier for the private financing at the moment, when the business needs assurance that investments are stable, and trade rules in the agricultural sector are predictable and clean, stated experts of the agricultural business sphere.

Experts anxiety causes and is caused by the investments and modern technologies shortage of the low yield level in the CIS countries. According to EBRD, meanwhile, the Western Europe grain yield totals 5,3 tonnes per hectare, in Ukraine the index totals three tonnes per hectare, in Russia 2,2 tonnes per hectare and in Kazakhstan 1,1 tonnes per hectare. The countries like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have the power potential as the global food suppliers, but they will be able to realize the potential full only within the efficiency farm management, stimulating of the investment inflow, stated EBRD-President Tomas Mirov.

EBRD is the largest investor of the agricultural complex of the countries with economy in transition. As of 2009, in the region of operations of the EBRD in cooperation with its facilities participation, the organization realized about 350 agricultural projects with the general level over twelve billion EUR. The Bank continuous own program of credit allocation in order to improve agricultural business efficiency in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (source: agrimarket.info).