Taiwan: Money harbors bacteria

Taipei / TW. (tpt) Eating immediately after handling currency could make you sick, the Consumers´ Foundation of Taiwan warned as it released the results of a study showing that money can contain high concentrations of bacteria.

According to «Taipei Times» the foundation tested twelve 100-TWD-bills and found that nine of them contained Staphylococcus aureus – a type of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Two other bills were found to be harboring Bacillus bacteria.

The number of bacteria on each sample banknote measured between 100.000 and one million colony-forming units (CFU). The bacteria content on one of the bills exceeded one million CFU. Taiwanese Food standards state that the total bacteria in any food item must not exceed 100.000 CFU.

The foundation conducted the test according to guidelines on food and environmental microorganism examination methods set by the Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei Times says. The bills used in the test were collected at traditional open-air markets, bakeries, drink stands and cafeterias in Taipei in July.